This is a very nice app, easy to use!…..However, today it seems to be misbehaving…….it goes along fine until
I save the captured snap……… seems to save it, but the saved snap is nowhere to be found……..I dont
know if this is caused by something else, or the app itself. Its worked perfectly un until today. I deleted it
from the computer, re loaded it from the app store,,,will try again. Tnx.
Update- I just tried it with the new download……..Works perfectly, and the updates are great, must better!!
I dont know what made it go goofy, but I did some house-keeping on my HD, thats probably what caused
the problem. Tnx again!
4/2015 Working GREAT! Love it! 6 Stars!
curleyR about
SnapMotion : Easily extract images from video